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Hernia and Stomas – General Helpful Info
What is a Parastomal Hernia?
A hernia is a weakness in the wall of the abdomen that allows part of the large or small bowel to bulge out forming a lump or swelling.
If the weakness occurs where the stoma is attached to the muscle wall causing a swelling around the stoma, this is called a Parastomal Hernia.
It might seem scary at first but the most important thing to remember is that people can enjoy a fairly active life with a hernia and stoma. There are things you can do to help manage daily routines and there is help and encouragement from others who understand what you are going through.
Managing a Hernia
Many hernias can be managed without surgery. Support belts are the most successful aids. A support belt does not solve the problem or make the hernia go away. What it does do is help manage living with one much easier.
If you have a stoma, it may be necessary to change the type of pouch you use to ensure a secure fit. Talk to your ET Nurse for advice on this as no two situations are exactly the same. ET nurses are specifically trained and have extensive knowledge about the different appliances on the market.
Remember, there is nothing to be embarrassed about and if you have any questions at all, please let us know and we would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Chances are, we had the same ones as you.
What is the Hernia Helper Ostomy Support Belt?
The Hernia Helper is a comfortable, reliable and discreet support belt.
With the Hernia Helper you will be able to increase your mobility while at the same time enjoying peace of mind knowing that you are wearing a belt that keeps things in place. No longer do you need to hide in shame and embarrassment.
Hernia Helper is not just for people with a hernia. Anyone needing to support the abdominal muscles benefits from wearing the belt.
Many of our customers include Bariatric surgery patients, C-section moms, post-op abdominal cancer sufferers… and they agree it really helped to wear one on a daily basis.
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